Farm Drive Neighborhood Center
The Pre-Kinders Class and Homework Club started back up the week of August 29th. We have many volunteers helping kids. This is the schedule for now but changes could be made as we see how many kids sign up. If you can help even one day a week, we can use you! We had about 65 kids between Pre-Kinders and High School that were a part of the Center last school year.Pre-Kinders: Monday & Tuesday, 10am - 11:30am
1st-4th Grade: Monday & Wednesday, 3pm - 5pm
5th grade - High School: Tuesday & Thursday, 3pm - 5pm
All Grades evening homework help: Tuesday & Wednesday, 5pm - 7pm
We can always use volunteers to help the kids with homework, work on flashcards, learning to tell time, etc.
If you are interested in giving two hours per week, and in return, we will promise you a BIG blessing, please email patty@hillside.org or gary@hillside.org, or call Patty at 408.781.5984 or Gary at 408.807.6809.