Sunday, November 4, 2007


On Halloween we (along with some other young college age people) opened up the Center. We had lots of food, pizza, brownies, cookies and cake thanks to Stacy's aunt! A bunch of kids came early for the food and then went out into the night to score some candy. Let me rephrase that - scored a lot of candy!

Here we are out doling out the food. What a feast!

A few others did not go out trick or treating so we lit the fire pit and had smores, hot chocolate, dough boys and apple cider. A few of the trick or treaters came by and joined us for awhile. Hot chocolate is nice when you're out in the cold. Most of the kids left the neighborhood to go trick or treating so most did not come back but a few did.

1 comment:

Betsy Lin said...

I am really falling in love with the kids in the neighborhood- I realized it today at beautiful day- God is doing so much in their hearts-