Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Bicycle Jump

It has been awhile since I have done an update here. Sorry. I will start with a video from our weekend at Hume Lake and the bicycle jump off the end of the pier. Nobody in the video is someone I know but it was fun to watch. I got a great seat near the landing and I was surprised how good of a seat it was. The first guy jumped and I almost got wet! I realized that must have been why nobody was sitting there! But none of the other jumpers got close to getting me wet.
( I added the music).

It was a great weekend to get away and enjoy the mountains. It was the first time that Patty and I have been there in the summer. We have been at many winter camps with the high school group and this was cool. The students are more serious about their walk and we were not there as staff. We were just like another college person.
The speaker was Josh Riebock from Austin Texas. He was new to Hume.
One of the sessions he was sharing from the story of Jesus turning the water to wine at a wedding. During the feast they ran out of wine. Jesus asked the servants to go fill up the jars with water and then draw some out and take it to the master. That is all they were asked to do. Nothing else. Fill the jars and then take what they thought was water to the master. Jesus would do the rest. Too often we try to do too much on our own power. We need to just hear and obey. Nothing else. Sometimes things are real simple what we are asked to do and we can't believe it. There has to be more. Nope. He does the work. We are just the servants. The hands and feet.

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