Sunday, January 18, 2009

Friday Night and Angels Rejoiced

On Friday's there are no activities "scheduled" at Farm Drive Neighborhood Center. Patty let the word out that she was going to open the Center around 3 for a few hours for a time of play. She came home around 2 and noticed no kids around. So she called the apartment where Jasmin (a regular) lived and left a message for her to come over if she wanted. Within 1/2 hour Jasmin came over and helped Patty around our apartment putting up pictures on the walls.

After awhile, Jasmin asked if anyone could be a Christian. Patty asked her "do you remember what it means to be a Christian?" and Jasmin remembered. Then Jasmin said but I sometimes do bad things. So Patty told her of course she did too and that's called sin and we all sin. They had a good good conversation with more questions. Jasmin finally said I want to be a Christian. Patty explained that Jasmin could go home and be alone and pray to Jesus or she could pray with Jasmin. Jasmin said she wanted to pray with Patty. Jasmine was introduced to the King! (and Patty was honored to be a part!) Patty and Jasmin then went out and walked up and down the street telling kids that the Center was open.

When I came home there were quite a number of kids at the Center and Patty was heating up frozen french toast sticks and serving them to the kids. (They had received about 40 boxes from Second Harvest). We kept the Center open til about 7:30.

Patty and I went upstairs to settle down for a relaxing evening of dinner and a movie. 5 of the older kids were still hanging out down below at the picnic tables. After a while, Patty went down and asked them if they wanted to come up and hang out with us. They said an emphatic yes!

Same night but 1/2 hour or so later, a neighbor brought by homemade enchiladas, chicken and potatoes! They were so good and we all enjoyed them. We watched a Spanish novella and then played a game of Pirate Bingo. Lots of laughter with Pirate Bingo! The kids finally left at 10pm. A night that was supposed to be a night of just the 2 of us relaxing and watching a movie, turned into an even better night....a night of developing relationships.

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