Saturday, November 13, 2010


Last year we started a program called CRAM. Committed. Relational. Accountable. Motivated.

This is the Vision Statement:
That all willing and able students in the Farm Drive Neighborhood would graduate from High School and continue on to higher education or vocational/job skill training
  • Mentor relationships would be built through a sponsorship program between volunteers and students from the Farm Drive Neighborhood
  • CRAM would have significant positive impact on the broader sociological disadvantages which young people in the Farm Drive neighborhood face
Last year we had 7 students in the program and this year we have 17 students matched up with various mentors. One of the rewards for graduating High School is being given a laptop. Below is Cristina our first student to graduate as part of the program. Gary and Patty are presenting her laptop to her. She is continuing in the CRAM program as a college student.

Some exciting things are happening with our CRAM students. After the first grading period we awarded 9 students with $10 gift cards to McDonalds. The second grading period is complete and two sets of rewards will be awarded on Tuesday, Nov. 16 at the Center at 3:00 - 7 students will get $10 gift cards to Starbucks and we will begin our "Money for A's". A generous friend of FD is paying CRAM kids $5 for any A they get. We will be handing out $85 on Tuesday! We have invited all the CRAM kids to come even if they are not receiving a reward.

We are very proud of these kids for doing so well and we are very proud of their mentors too...for loving these students!

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