Friday, June 24, 2011

Update From the Director

Hello Everyone:

For a long, long time, we have been hoping and praying that our Farm Drive high schoolers would join in and become part of our Hillside High School group. This past Sunday, three of our guys went to the High School group and someone invited them to a beach party that was happening today. “Can we go,” they asked? Of course we said yes!!! This afternoon, six of our kids joined the Hillside High Schoolers on their beach trip. They had an awesome time!!!

Well, we picked the kids up at Church tonight, and got another question----“They were talking about Hume Lake. Do you think we could go??” Most of you know that our high schoolers go to Hume Lake every summer, and it is one of the most awesomely fun and spiritual times that one could attend!!! Four of our kids are drastically serious about attending. We get the feeling that at least two of these kids are on the verge of making a decision regarding salvation. Isn’t that awesome??? Do we want them to go to Hume Lake this summer?? Of course we do!!! Camp is in about three weeks. There is a minor stumbling block----the cost of the week-long camp is $495. None of these kids will be able to afford camp on their own, but I know that our God has a way to make this possibility into a reality.

Would you do me a favor??? Would you begin praying with us for Anahi, Javier, Jose and Sergio?? Pray that they will follow through with the camp applications. Pray that if it is truly God’s will, we can find a way to help these kids go to Hume Lake this year. And of course, if God lays it upon your heart to help financially, that would be awesome, too. Just let me know!!! This would be a true investment in the Kingdom!!

May God Bless you much!!!


PS: I hope to have a more complete update out to you this weekend. Watch for it!!! There is a lot going on!!

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