Sunday, June 8, 2008


Below is a written testimony of someone who grew up in the Farm Drive neighborhood and just recently graduated from high school. She is going to spend her summer as a counselor at Camp MayMac. Thought it would be cool to post her testimony here:

My name is My (Mimi) Nguyen. When I was four years old, I lived in the Farm Drive neighborhood and my best friend started taking me to a Center called "Friends of Farm Drive". Every Saturday, Farm Drive would have a program called Bible Club, which is a place that allows kids to play and eat and learn about God. I am glad that I'm still able to attend Bible Club. When I was 10, through Farm Drive Center, I was able to go to a Christian camp called Camp MayMac where it gave my life to Jesus. I loved going to camp as a camper and for the last two summers , I've had the privilege of being a volunteer staff “Staff in Training”. I am graduating from Oak Grove High School in another week and plan to begin college in the fall. I am now 17 years old and I've been invited back to Camp MayMac to be a part of their summer staff. I'm writing this letter to you, asking if you could support me in becoming a summer staffer at Camp MayMac. Summer staff need to raise their own support, both prayer support and financial support. I will understand if you are not able to help me financially because everyone has their own things to take care of. I would appreciate it if you would be so kind as to pray for me this summer. I sincerely thank you for just taking time to read my letter and anything that you could do is very much appreciated. I hope you have a wonderful day and may God bless you this summer.

Yours truly, My Nguyen

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