Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Are We Making a Difference?

Friends often ask me if we have noticed a difference in the neighborhood since we have moved here. I usually ask them to talk to people who have been here much longer than me such as Patty or workers from Bible Club or other workers from Kid Trek or ask Betty. I am kind of emersed here so I don't really notice it as much as those that have a longer history than me.

Something happened this weekend that may give more insight into that question, especially the overall impact Farm Drive Neighborhood Center has. During Saturday Bible Club a high school girl came by with 2 of her friends. She lives around the corner from us and we knew that she was making some poor choices lately. She confided to one of the leaders that she and her friends knew they were making bad choices and they wanted to stop and make a change in their lives. We need to pray for these girls. They need to get away from some of their friends that are not a good influence. This is a big decision and a huge challenge for them. Satan of course wants them right where they are now.

Later as I was thinking about all of this, I realized the girls knew where to go to get help. They knew where they could get support to make a change. They knew where they could open up and confide in someone that would love them unconditionally. If the Center was not here, then where would they go? We are here to develop those relationships so that when there is a time and a need, we are here to help. This gives me hope. This encourages me. This is what it is all about.

1 comment:

Ashraf Al Shafaki said...

Those who actively seek change and want to better themselves are the ones who will be more willing to exert the needed effort for such a desirable change. Since the girl and her friends are the ones that came, making their own choice, this is a very good sign and provides great hope for their ability to actually change their lives to a better state and make better choices for their future. This contrasts with trying to chase kids or push them into changing, which usually is met with great resistance from their side and failure to change. The desire to change must come from within for things to work.