Monday, September 24, 2007

Children, God's Gift

Our daughter moved this pass weekend to Los Angeles. Obviouisly it was hard emotionally as a chapter of our lives justed ended after 22 years. So we are officially now "empty nesters" as both of our children are living on their own.

Jessica moved into a brand new apartment on Wilshire Blvd. On the way we we drove by Hollywood and Vine. Below is pictures looking out her 4th floor window. Notice in the 2nd picture is a Bob's Big Boy restuarant. They closed down in San Jose a few years ago and excited (?) that there was one there. (You may have to click on the photo to enlarge it to see it).

We moved Jessica in on Friday and then went shopping for stuff for the apartment on Saturday. It poured on Saturday and were we thankful it did not do that on Friday. For dinner on Friday we went out do dinner with a nephew and his wife and his brother and son. (that would make him a nephew too.) It was good to see them.

Yes, children are a gift from God. They are a real joy and blessing. We will miss not having them around every day.

The other day a customer at work asked me if I had any children. I told him I have 2 plus another 50-70? He of course looked at me funny as I then explained what Patty and I are doing. That is how Patty and I feel about those we come in contact with at Farm Drive. We are not their parents but we love them as if they were.

We opened the Center (Patty wants me to capitlize Center) on Sunday evening and one of the kids came by and asked for help with homework. Not my speciality this day and age. I almost said come back on Monday for homework assistance but I thought better. Fortunately it was on the metric system of measuring and I could help. But I had to spend some time trying to figure out what she knew and what the teacher had taught them so far. I know how I would figure the problem but it might not help the student. She went from not really having a clue to "oh yeah, now I remember". I felt good that I was able to help her and I'm sure she felt good understanding and getting her homework done. It would have been easier to do it for her or said good luck with that! But that is not the best for her.

Are we not really empty nesters!?


Brent Kompelien said...

Can I be your kid too? I'm kidding, but I'm learning to love the kids no matter what. They can be difficult sometimes, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

da halls said...


I've been playing blog-hopping and I found your blog, from finding Brent's blog, from the Medina's blog. Whew.

Dan & I are really trying to keep our minds from spiraling as we see people growing up.

Empty nest? What a wonderful time for you to be involved in the ministry God called has called you to.

Mary Beth

Cherlyn said...

Kiddos are fantastic, huh? Not that Jess is a "kiddo" to me, since she is less than two years younger than me, but whatever. I cannot imagine the day when Bobby will move out. I guess I just need to keep having babies. That way I will always have one living with us. :)

yeskids said...

The kids at Farm Drive are so blessed to have the two of you living amongst them. You are living out Deuteronomy 6:7. May the Lord bless you.