Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Open House

On sunday, a busy weekend, we opened up the Center and invited both friends and neighbors in for an open house. It was more for our move to the new apartment but provided an opportunity to show what we are doing here and what Farm Drive is all about. Below are Daniel and Ruben cooking up the dogs.
An old friend of ours showed up, Goyo. He probably wouldn't like the old part. He used to be a teacher at Terrel Elementary School which is where the kids used to go to school before rezoning. Some of the kids who used to go there recognized him.

As you can see below we have quite a few bikes (13!) that have been donated from Hillside people. Along with some inline blades, they will be giving them away to kids involved in the KidTrek program in a drawing this next week. I'll have more pics on this in a later post. A very big thank you to those who donated bikes and skates. They are very much appreciated and the kids will be extemely excited to receive them.

Sarah and our new pastor's wife Tricia and their kids enjoying our patio. We like it too.

A couple of pictures of people enjoying the open house.

And we just found out that Robbie and Stacy have found an apartment in the hood and will be moving in in October! This is great news as we will have someone to partner with us! They found an apartment down the street from us. This is a God-thing for sure!

1 comment:

Brent Kompelien said...

I am very excited about Robbie and Stacy moving in to an apartment in the hood. I'm praying for a huge impact in the neighborhood. By the way Sarah and I are always available for you guys and the families in Farm Drive.