Saturday, April 19, 2008

It's Fun Living Here!

One day last week I had a meeting in San Jose around 9 am. After the meeting since I was close to home, I decided to go let Cosmo out. (Patty was in Oregon all week visiting her family). As Cosmo was out enjoying the fresh air, I noticed a couple of cop cars pull into our court. I went back upstairs to put Cosmo back in the apartment and then as I was getting back in my truck, I noticed a cop going up the stairs in an apartment complex at the end of the court. He pulled out his gun. Who needs to watch tv to get this excitement! I noticed one person on the ground and it looked like a girl we know who lives there also was out on the landing but she was standing up and was not asked to get down. I said a quick prayer for the situation and left.

I found out later what may have happened (I remind myself that the info I get is coming from kids and I may not be getting the whole story). Some older boys that all don't live in the hood didn't want to go to school so the girl that lives there said she would leave the door open so that they could come over while she was at school. When the boys got there they found the door locked so they went in through a window. A neighbor saw them and called the cops. I guess the one boy had a knife on him and was trying to hide it from the cops and that is what I saw with the gun pointed at him. He was arrested.

Which brings me to the question we sometimes get asked, Do you feel safe where you live? Absolutely.


Not sure. Maybe it's because we are known by so many here that our place, our stuff, our lives are watched and protected. Maybe it's the security cameras!

No, I think it is because we are where God wants us to be. With that comes Peace. If anything happens we know it is for a reason.

Would we have done this when our kids were young? Not an issue because we are not there now. But if God wanted us to be here when we had younger kids then why would we not say yes?


Of course we don't do stupid stuff and we always use common sense. We don't leave our doors unlocked when we are not here. We make sure our possesions are locked up. We don't leave our bikes out without putting a lock on them. If we see a group of kids all wearing black and red, we don't usually go up and start a conversation (unless we know one of them). I don't run to break up a fight that has knifes. I leave that to the police. (not that I have seen one either). This is the first time in the almost one year that we've been here, that I've see a gun pulled by a cop. Yes, Patty and I both feel very safe in our cool little neighborhood!


Amy Medina said...

Awesome. Love it. Love Farm Drive. Love you guys. :-)

Betsy Lin said...

Pete! I like it- obedience is such an easier way. Why we often run from it I don't know.
God is doing some pretty rad stuff in the neighborhood!!! : )