Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Second Chances

From Pete.

I left to go to work this morning and noticed a guy on farm drive with his hood up and attaching jumper cables to his car. I quickly surmised that maybe he had someone helping him or a car nearby to jump. As I got out to Hillsdale Ave I felt in my pocket a set of keys and pulled them out to put on the seat next to me when I noticed that they were Patty's keys and not mine. So I drove around and came back and put them back on the table in the apartment.
As I drove back out I noticed the guy standing there with hood up and cables ready. I stopped this time and asked if he needed a jump and he said yes. So I helped him this time. (he is a guy that drives a yellow cab).
That was so weird that I grabbed Patty's keys BEFORE I saw him.
2nd chance. Connections.

From Patty to Pete in an email:

As I laid in bed this am I prayed that God would use me today to bless people. I think that’s why we are here.

I didn’t tell you that Tuesday night when Jess and I went to Plutos for salad, afterwards we went to Longs to get her some stuff. There was an old lady in front of us and when she was done she needed help carrying it out. Seemed to take forever for someone to come and I asked her if she just needed help to her car. She said yes so I gave Jess my wallet and helped the lady. This lady should not be driving. She kept closing her eyes when she was waiting…I could see she didn’t feel well. Turns out she had a disabled older daughter in her car. She couldn’t lift her bags out of the basket. I put them on her back seat for her and she got in and thanked me and drove off (again, scary that she has a drivers license). Sad if she is alone trying to help this daughter…she barely made it herself.


Having gone through the following book:

Living Your Strengths:Discover Your God-Given Talents and and Inspire Your Community.

And done the online survey:

One of my strengths is Connected.

I view that everything that happens, happens for a reason. Everything is connected to a bigger picture of what is going on. Nothing is wasted.

So I guess it is nice that I got a second chance. I need to work on being ready so I don't need a second chance.

How about you?

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