Thursday, July 19, 2007

Apple Pie with Elizabeth and Bekah

Tuesday night 2 Junior High girls, Elizabeth and Rebekah showed up at the apt. When they come by, which is rarely, they never stay long. This night was an exception. They stayed and we talked and talked and talked. We talked about our trip to Thailand, our trip to New Orleans, 13 year old friends getting pregnant, sex outside of marriage, curfews, all kinds of things! I was peeling apples while we talked and finally got those pies in the oven after 10. They were still here (it had been 3 hours) when the pies came out! We had such a good time, talking, looking at recipes and just hanging out. What a night!

To finish off the night, 2 other Junior Highers, Donald and Raylene showed up at 10:30 with 2 Vietnamese neighbor kids. The kids were 5 and 7. Long story short, the mom just gave these kids to Raylene to watch. She didn't want them with her at the time. How sad. I have been praying for these 2 little boys ever since. Please do the same. God knows their situation. At 11:00 I told all the kids they needed to go home. These little boys especially needed to go to bed. They were even in their pj's.

Just when you think you may not reach some of these older Junior High kids, God surprises you! Pete and I need to be available, listen to these kids, don't condemn, but just love on these kids, always pointing them in the right direction. (to the Lord who loves them)

Keep praying for us, please.

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