Saturday, January 19, 2008

A Couple of Things

Around the middle of the day, I decided to go for my usual Saturday jog. On the way to the car there were a couple of guys that were out front and they asked where I was going. ( a standard question around here, they always want to go with you if they can!) I told them I was going to the local high school to go run around the track. They of course asked if they could go and I said yes but it is pretty boring around there. Ronnie (pictured below) ran with me for about a mile. I was impressed. I encouraged him to go out for the track team or the cross country team when he gets to high school.

I asked him how things are going with his aunt and their little newborn baby which has Down's. He is still in the intensive care unit in the hospital because he cannot eat on his own. I asked Ronnie if he has seen the boy yet and he said no. He needs medical records to get in and he doesn't know where they are. I asked him if he knew what Down's syndrome is and he said he did and he knew of Steve's grandson (our landlord) has the same thing. They went to the Monterey Bay aquarium once together.

I enjoy these moments when I can get these guys alone and talk.

Last weekend, Patty and I went over to Capitola to get our monthly fix of sun and ocean. We were sitting on the bench that are overlooking the beach and waves and I had my camera with telephoto lens with me. Patty asked me to take a picture of this girl that reminded her of her sister when she was a little girl. I said yeah right. Nothing like a middle age man taking pictures of little girls with a telephoto lens at the beach. I handed her the camera.

The waves, the ocean, the sun, it was a wonderful day!

Meanwhile back at the Center today. ( I said a couple of things!) A couple of nicely dressed men from the Jehovah's Witnesses stopped by to talk. I engaged them for awhile and asked them a bunch of questions. They were really focused on the Kingdom of God and Jesus's immenent return and real soon. I forgot how much they focused on this. I asked them to look around and told them they were standing on a place that God's Kingdom was already established and very busy at work. Below them at that very moment Bible Club was going on and many children were hearing about the hope that is here now, not sometime in the future. It's amazing that people can get so wrapped up in the hope of Jesus's return and the establishing His Kingdome at that time instead of getting busy and establish it NOW!

1 comment:

robbie said...

I feel ya there Brotha!