Saturday, January 19, 2008

Guys NIte Out

Last night we had about 6 junior high boys go over to Robbie's parents house for a guys night out. (Thank you Chuck and Kim!) We played Halo all night, literally. Well I heard they stopped at 2:30. I didn't make it. Not that I couldn't but I had to make sure Cosmo was not lonesome! They really get into it and enjoy playing for hours.

Robbie set up 3 tv's and connected up so we played on 3 sets and had 3 teams for awhile. Then we changed and had the older guys play the junior high boys and me. (Not that I was any help). I actually figured it out that if I go into the open and draw the enemy out to kill me, that leaves them open to be picked off by me teamates. I'll do anything to sacrifice for the team!

He just got killed. Oh well, you can continue to play in about 5 to 10 seconds.

The guys. It was even hard to get them to stop long enough to take a group picture.

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