Sunday, January 6, 2008


Hi all. Patty here. On Thursday, January 10th, 4 leaders and 13 kids piled into cars and drove to the San Francisco Zoo. We were worried it would rain and it did but we had several hours before it poured and we ended up seeing all that we wanted to.

The day we went was opening day after a tiger killed someone Christmas Day. That was tragic and sad but we had planned this for some time so we still wanted to go. We were glad it was opening again and we'd get to go before school started back up. We had no idea what to expect. When we were in front of the penguin exhibit (my favorite) 3 TV stations and 2 news papers stopped us and interviewed us. That night we were on channels 5 and 7. Fun! I recorded it of course so now the kids can see themselves over and over.

The best part of the day though was driving with 4 fun girls, being with all the kids, walking around, taking lots of pictures, and seeing all the cool animals. Below are some pictures of the kids and some favorite and not so favorite animals we got to see.

Thank you to Brent, Ruben and Dawn for all you did as leaders that day! I couldn't have done it without you and the kids love you too!

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