Friday, October 26, 2007

Random Thoughts 2

I came home the other night and a young girl we know was looking at a flyer and couldn't understand it. It was in Spanish and I asked her if she could read spanish and she said no. She is bilingual but learned to read only English in school. So I read it out loud in Spanish to her (the best I could!) and she translated it back to me in Spanish! I thought that was cool! (I actually understood the gist of the flyer.)

Later that evening I did one of the best parts of being an elder. A few of us went over to the house of an elderly couple to pray for them. They are dealing with some health issues and wanted the elders to come and pray for them. These moments are real special to be able to interecede for them before our Creator. We even brought communion and took it together. There is really something special to break bread together with some of God's faithful and longtime servants. These people had been through a lot but there was so much joy in their hearts for what God has done for them. And they still share God's love with the people they come in contact with! They were constantly smiling and laughing even though they were in such physical pain. I hope that I will be like that when I get older!

I work with college age students and I love their passion and enthusism to learn about God and learn what their role is in this world. Then to see seniors/older people who still have that passion and enthusism as they near the end of their journey and have learned what their role is, is awesome! The wife was asking why God still had her on this earth since all of her sisters have gone home. She must still have something to do.

On the way back home after that great experience, I was riding with a couple of elders who are in the retirement age of their life. They were talking how they have no plans to retire. Why would they stop working to sit at home and play golf at a reduced income? That would mean that their tithe would go down and they would rather keep working so that the things that God is doing can still be financed by them! All believers should think this way!

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